Greener Events,
Brighter Future
From our CEO
“Our primary goal is to reduce the carbon footprint of our events and drive meaningful change. Each year, we measure the emissions of every event we host, using the results to find ways to improve and lower our impact. While sustainability covers many areas, we’re focusing on CO2e as it’s the most urgent and relevant to our business. By setting clear reduction targets, we’re aiming to inspire change across our operations, exhibitors, and suppliers. Importantly, we don’t rely on offsets; instead, we’re committed to making real, measurable reductions in our emissions each year.”

Evolving with purpose
We’re following a Net Zero strategy, focused on reducing emissions by 90%. However, we’ve deliberately avoided setting a long-term target year, as forecasting and calculating such timelines is time-consuming. Instead, we prioritise immediate, actionable goals.
Initially, we aimed for rapid Net Zero achievement and achieved zero Scope 1 and 2 emissions within two years. However, evolving definitions and criteria have made achieving Net Zero by 2025 unlikely. While Net Zero remains our ultimate goal, we now recognise it depends on broader societal and infrastructure changes beyond our control.
Meanwhile, we’re committed to reducing our emissions and encouraging others to do the same. As a growing business (launching and acquiring 18 events in six years), we strive for transparency by measuring emissions per visitor, allowing for responsible growth while tracking our impact.

Since 22/23, our UK visitor emissions have reduced by 29.8%

UK visitor emissions

US visitor emissions

Future Focus
Goal one
Stay Net Zero in our business ops
Currently Net Zero in scope 1 & 2 emissions, our aim is to maintain that despite business growth in 2024/25.
Goal two
Reduce UK visitor emissions
Currently 21kg per visitor (a 12.5% reduction from 22/23), our aim is to get to 15% in 24/25 by working with venues to reduce energy and waste at each event.
Goal three
Reduce US visitor emissions
Currently 40kg per visitor (a 29.8% reduction from 22/23), our aim is to get to 15% in 24/25 by working with venues to reduce energy and waste at each event.
Goal four
Reduce new event emissions
With an aggressive growth plan in place our focus wil be to ensure we continue to reduce event emissions for all new launches and acquisitions.
Goal five
Achieve scope 3 emissions
Influence further visitor emissions further by encouraging and incentivising travel by public transport, cycling, car sharing and electric cars.